Library Instruction
The University of Southern Mississippi Libraries' Instructional Services Program encourages collaboration between librarians and teaching faculty as a vital part of the educational process to help students learn research, critical thinking, and information literacy skills. The library environment is a rapidly changing one and librarians can help keep assignments current with the most appropriate terminology, sources, and research tools. In addition, consulting with librarians before you give a library assignment to your class is a good way to ensure that resources are available and accessible so that you are able to reach the goals and objectives that you have set for your course.
Faculty in University Libraries have developed a list of suggested student learning outcomes (SLOs) that may result from library instruction. Course instructors are encouraged to consult this list and collaborate with the faculty librarian assigned to their program about how library instruction can most effectively support student learning related to a specific course or assignment.
Librarians should work with course instructors to deliver class content designed to achieve specific student learning outcomes (SLOs) related to information literacy and library research skills appropriate to a specific course or assignment. Instruction sessions may be held in a library classroom, your regular classroom, or using the university's learning management system (Canvas).
Please use the Libraries' instruction request form to schedule a session for your class.
Librarians will work with course instructors to develop a subject guide customized to meet the research needs of a particular course or assignment. Interested faculty should contact the research librarian for their subject area as early as possible to begin planning a course-specific guide.
View existing course-specific guides here.
Library Skills
Students often lack basic library research skills. They may not understand terms like “peer reviewed” or that e-books and e-journals are not considered “Internet sources.”
When students have assignments that require an entire class to use the same resources, they may become frantic when the items they need are not available or are constantly being used by others. This can even be true for online resources, as many e-books have usage restrictions. Sometimes it is helpful to the students if an instructor places such materials on reserve.
Even when directions seem to be clear, students often have trouble understanding the assignment. They may need verbal explanations, suggestions of sources to use, or current citations for specific works.
Students may become frustrated if the assignment does not seem relevant to the course. They may feel that they are being asked to find obscure facts that do not truly give them the opportunity to evaluate sources or learn problem solving skills.
Workshops may be scheduled for a class, student group, or faculty meeting. Librarians teach classes on a variety of topics.
View the events calendar for date, times, and locations of upcoming workshops and register to attend.
Research Consultation - Use this form to schedule an individual or small group consultation with a librarian.