Services for Faculty and Staff
University Libraries provides a wide range of services to Southern Miss faculty and staff. Faculty and staff have full access to all print and electronic resources in the Libraries' collections. Services of special interest may include classroom instruction from a librarian and course reserves. Use the links below to learn about specific services available to you.
For general information about University Libraries facilities and services for faculty and staff, visit the welcome guides listed below.
- Cook Library Welcome Guide
- Gulf Coast Library Welcome Guide
- Online Student Welcome Guide
- Special Collections Welcome Guide
For more specific services and resources, check out our Faculty Development, Citation Analysis, Copyright Basics, or Curriculum Materials Center guides or visit one of our many Research Guides.
A University ID card is required to check out items from any University Libraries location.
All library notifications are sent via email to the official university-issued email address.
Faculty and staff may check out up to 100 items at any given time.
Loan periods vary according to collection or material type as follows:
- 180 days - General Collection Materials
- 14 days - Curriculum Materials, Media, and Media Equipment
- 3 days - Bound Periodicals
- 1 day - Reference Materials and Atlases
Dry-erase board markers are available for checkout at the Circulation Desk. They are due by closing of the day they are checked out.
For more information: University Libraries Circulation Policy
Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan assists currently employed faculty and staff by requesting library materials not available at USM from other institutions. Requests can be made by logging into Interlibrary Loan. Click here to learn more about interlibrary loan services.
OCLC Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program
University Libraries is a member of the consortium of over 151 institutions that extend reciprocal, on-site borrowing privileges to visiting faculty members. Borrower's cards are available at the Circulation Desk at Cook Library and participating libraries are provided here. It is recommended that the Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program card and the Southern Miss identification card are presented at the Circulation Desk upon arrival at the participating library. Southern Miss Faculty members are personally responsible for any items borrowed from other libraries. Loan regulations vary, and regulations of the lending institution must be observed.
Mississippi University Library Borrowing Program
University Libraries is a member of the Mississippi University Library (MUL) Borrowing Program. The MUL Borrowing Program is a consortium of eight institutions in Mississippi that extend reciprocal, on-site borrowing privileges to current faculty, staff, and students of member institutions. Current students, faculty, and staff in good standing with Southern Miss Libraries are eligible to borrow library materials from the participating universities. Participating institutions are Alcorn State University, Delta State University, Jackson State University, Mississippi State University, Mississippi University for Women, Mississippi Valley State University, University of Mississippi (Oxford campus only), and The University of Southern Mississippi.
Mississippi Universities Library (MUL) borrower's cards are available from the circulation desks at Cook Library and Gulf Coast Library. The cards are non-transferable. Participating libraries will honor MUL borrowing cards when they are presented in conjunction with a valid picture identification card issued by The University of Southern Mississippi.
Loan periods are designated by the lending institution. Return of borrowed materials to the lending institution and any overdue fines are the responsibility of the individual borrower. Charges for damaged or lost material will follow the governing circulation policy of the lending institution.
For more information, please contact .
The purpose of the course reserve system is to facilitate access to a resource needed for instructional use by students. You may search for reserves by using the instructor’s last name or the course name. Print reserve materials are located at the Circulation Desk at the Cook Library and the Gulf Coast Library.
Faculty and staff can find information about placing materials on reserve here.
Visit the Ask-a-Librarian page for research assistance via telephone, e-mail, or chat. For one-on-one or small group help, schedule a research consultation with a librarian.
University Libraries’ instructional services program encourages collaboration between librarians and course instructors as a vital part of the educational process to help students learn research, critical thinking, and information literacy skills. A list of typical student learning outcomes is available to facilitate an optimal learning experience that meets the unique needs of a particular course or assignment.
Librarians are able to deliver instruction in a library classroom, non-library classroom, and online.
Submit an instruction request form to invite a librarian to speak to your class. As a courtesy to the librarian and to minimize scheduling conflicts, requesting the session well in advance is appreciated.
Cook Library has rooms to meet the needs of our university community. LIB 110, LIB 207, and LIB 209A/Gallery may be reserved by a faculty or staff member by using the online reservation system.
Eighty research carrels are available for rent inside Cook Library. Additional information is provided on the carrel request form.
To recommend a resource be added to one of the library collections, contact the appropriate faculty liaison or librarian or use the Suggest a Purchase form.
Use this form to inquire about a book, journal, or other type of resource listed in the library catalog as new materials ordered or in processing.
Report a problem with a record in the Libraries’ online catalog using this form.
View our Collection Development Policy here.
View the Special Collections Development Policy here.
The Libraries research data management services are designed to assist researchers in making their data publicly available and easily discoverable, as well as preserving the data for long-term access. Visit the RDM home page to learn more.
For information about printing, faxing, scanning, public computers, wireless access, and passwords, please see below.
Printing: The University of Southern Mississippi uses the WEPA system. Click here for more information on using Wepa.
Wide Format Printing: The Gulf Coast Library offers wide format printing of various sizes. More information, including pricing, can be found here.
Faxing: Faxing is available at the Circulation Desk, located in the lobby of Cook Library. Local faxes are $1.00 flat rate. For long distance faxes the first page is $2.50 and additional pages are $1.00 per page.
Scanning: A scanner is available in the Learning Commons on the first floor of the Cook Library. At Gulf Coast Library, one scanner is available on the first floor.
Public Computers: 307 PCs are available throughout Cook Library along with 8 iMac computers in the Learning Commons on the first floor. 93 PCs are available throughout Gulf Coast Library along with 3 iMac computers on the first floor and 1 iMac computer on the second floor. iTech maintains a complete list of available public computing.
iTech offers remote access to computers like those located at Cook and Gulf Coast Libraries. The remote access computers provide access to the same software that is installed on the public computers inside the libraries, including GMetrix, MATLAB, SPSS, and Office 365. The remote access computers provide online students and others with access to the same computing resources as on-campus users. For more information about remote access computing, visit the iTech web page.
Wireless Access: Is available on campus. Go to iTech's site for additional information
Passwords:The University of Southern Mississippi has a self-service Campus ID password management portal.
For information about affiliated services located inside of Cook Library, please see below.
- Advisement Center
- Center for Student Success
- iTech
- Speaking Center
- Starbucks
- Title IX Office
- TRIO Student Support Services Program
- Writing Center
Students requiring special assistance in the University Libraries should be registered with the University's Student Accessibility Services, which will help to ensure that the libraries are aware of all reasonable and appropriate accommodations.
Other inquiries about library services and assistive technology may be made by phoning or visiting any service desk located within a particular library or by using Ask-a-Librarian.