Bibliography of Specialist and Regional "How To" Genealogy Materials
The following materials are available from the Genealogy Collection located on the third floor of the McCain Library & Archives and where noted, from Cook Library. This list is a select bibliography and is not meant to be a comprehensive for genealogy research.
Andereck, Paul A. Genealogical Computing--The Beginning. [Genea CS14. A53 1984] [Cook CS 14. A53 1984]
Barnes, Donald R. Write it Right. 1983. [Genea CS 16. B32 1983] [Cook CS16. B32 1983]
Boyer, Carl. How to Publish and Market Your Family History. 1982 [Genea Z286. G46 B69 1982]
Carpenter , Cecelia S. How to Research American Indian Blood Lines: A Manual to Indian Genealogical Research. 1987. [Genea E98. G44 C37 1987]
Cerny, Johni. The Library: A Guide to the LDS Family History Library. 1988. [Genea Z675. C5 L5x 1988]
Coleman, James M. Coleman’s General Index to Printed Pedigrees: Which are to be Found in All the Principal County and Local Histories, and in many Privately Printed Genealogies: under Alphabetical Arrangement, with an Appendix. [Genea Z5313. G69 C4 1866a]
Crowe, Elizabeth P. Genealogy Online: Researching your Roots. 1994. [Genea CS14. C76 1994]
Ethnic Genealogy: A Research Guide. 1983 [Cook CS49. E 83 1983]
Genealogy & Computers: Proceedings of the RASD History Section Genealogy Committee Program, American Library Association, 9 July 1985. [Genea CS14. R 37 1985] [Cook CS14. R37 1985]
Generations and Change: Genealogical Perspectives in Social History. 1986. [Genea D16. G44 1986] [Cook D16. G44 1986]
Gormley, Myra Vanderpool. Family Diseases: Are you at Risk?. 1989. [Genea RB155.5 .G67 1989]
Greene, Robert E. Black Courage, 1775-1783: Documentation of Black Participation in the American Revolution. 1984 [Genea E269. N3 G74 1984] [Cook E 269. N3 G74 1984]
Groene, Bertram H. Tracing Your Civil War Ancestor. 1989 [SpCol Walen CD3047. G76 1989]
Historical and Genealogical Records of the Five Civilized Tribes and Other Indian Records. [Genea E78. I5 W65x]
Kirkham, E. Kay. Our Native Americans and Their Records of Genealogical Value. 1980. [Genea Z1209.2. N67 K57]
Ledoux, Denis. Turning Memories into Memoirs: A Handbook for Writing Lifestories. 1993. [Cook PN145. L43x 1993]
Library of Congress. Genealogical Research at the Library of Congress. 1993. [Cook Gdoc LC 1.2:G28]
Lind, Marilyn. Using Maps and Aerial Photography in Your Genealogical Research. 1985. [Genea CS49. L55 1985]
Little, T. Vance. Legal Terms for the Genealogist. 1980. [Genea CS16. L57x]
Milner, Anita C. Newspaper Genealogical Column Directory. 1985 [Genea CS44. M49 1985]
Redford, Dorothy S. Somerset Homecoming: Recovering a Lost Heritage. 1988. [Genea E185.96. R42 Vol. 1-3]
Rottenberg, Dan. Finding Our Fathers: A Guidebook to Jewish Genealogy. 1977. [CookCS 21. R58]
Saldena, Richard H. A Practical Guide to the "Misteaks" Made in Census Indexes. 1987. [Genea CS68. P73x 1987]
Schweitzer, George Keene. War of 1812 Genealogy. 1983. [Genea E185.96. S817 1986]
Turton, William H. The Plantagenet Ancestry: Being Tables Showing over 7,000 of the Ancestors of Elizabeth (daughter of Edward IV and wife of Henry VII) the Heiress of the Plantagenets. 1984. [Genea CS418. T8 1984]
Unett, John. Making a Pedigree. 1971. [Genea CS16. U5 1971]
Zubatsky, David S. Jewish Genealogy: A Sourcebook of Family Histories and Genealogies. 1984. [Cook Ref Z6374. B5 Z79 1984]
Barefield, Marilyn Davis. Researching in Alabama: A Genealogical Guide. 1987. [Genea F325. B39x 1987]
Baxter, Angus. In Search of Your British & Irish Roots: A Complete Guide to Tracing Your English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish Ancestors. 1995. [Genea CS414. B38 1995]
________. In Search of Your German Roots: A Complete Guide to Tracing Your Ancestors in the Germanic Areas of Europe. 1994 & 1987. [Genea CS 614. B39 1994] [Genea CS614. B39 1987]
Bentley, Elizabeth P. Directory of Family Associations. 1993. [Genea CS42. B46 1993]
Brooke, Ted O. Georgia Genealogical Workbook. 1987. [Genea F285. B75 1987]
Burke, John. A Genealogical and Heraldric History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland... 1977. [Genea CS425. B78 1977 Vol. 1-4]
Cerny, Johni. A Guide to German Parish Registers: in the Family History Library of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1988-. [Genea CS613. C47 1988 Vol. 1]
Chitham, Edward. The Brontes’ Irish Background. 1986. [Cook PR4168. C554 1986]
Cox, John C. The Parish Registers of England. [Genea CD1068. A2 C74]
Durning, William P. A Guide to Irish Roots: Collected from Oral Tradition and Ancient Records During Visits to Ireland, Other Parts of Europe, and North America. 1989. [Genea CS483. D87 1989]
Durye, Pierre. Genealogy, an Introduction to Continental Concepts. 1977. [Genea CS17. D813]
Eichholz, Alice. Ancestry’s Red Book: American State, County, and Town Sources. 1989. [Genea CS49. A55 1989]
Everton, George B. The Handy Book for Genealogists; State and County Histories, Maps, Libraries, Bibliographies of Genealogical Works, Where to Write for Records, etc. [Cook CS16 .E85 1957]