Mississippi, Believe It! Campaign on Display at Gulf Coast Library
News item published on: 2015-01-20 10:13:09January 2015
On exhibit in the display cases at the Southern Miss Gulf Coast Library are posters from the Mississippi, Believe It!™ Campaign. Displayed along with the posters are books relating to Mississippi. Featured are novelists William Faulkner and Eudora Welty, entertainer Elvis Presley, artist Walter Anderson and many others.
“The Campaign includes 17 public service announcements – 11 original plus three ads debuted in late 2006 and three ads debuted in 2008. The Campaign was created by The Cirlot Agency, a leading Mississippi-based global brand strategy, integrated communications and business development firm specializing in public relations, creative development and media strategy. The Cirlot Agency created the communication pieces as a gift to Mississippi in an effort to thank the state for its support over the decades.
Although Mississippi has progressed perhaps more than any other state over the last 50 years, Mississippi is stuck in a 50-year time warp, as far as image is concerned. For the general public, the information contained in the Mississippi, Believe It!™ Campaign provides a form of intellectual ammunition to defend the state any time its image is in question.”
Learn more at: www.mississippibelieveit.com.