Measuring Research Impact Using Library Tools
News item published on: 2017-08-16 15:37:45University Libraries is offering a workshop for faculty that provides an overview of how to use library tools for citation analysis as well as other resources for building a great dossier. Tracy Englert, Science and Technology Librarian will walk you through how to use library resources for citation analysis as well as other resources that will help you build your dossier in a way that effectively demonstrate the impact of your work
Participants will leave with an understanding of how to locate metrics including Journal Impact Factors, h-index, Eigenfactor and more, and will also gain an appreciation for the limitations of publication metrics and the varied suitability of different metrics for different academic fields and different types of publications. In addition, a brief overview of scholarly identification systems such as ORCID, ResearcherID and the International Standard Name Identifier will be presented.
The workshop will take place on August 31 from 3 – 4 p.m. in Cook Library room 110. This workshop will be helpful for faculty members in all disciplines. For more information, contact Tracy Englert at 601.266.6396 or . To register, click here.