Graduate Student Appreciation Week Workshops
News item published on: 2015-03-27 12:26:47April 2015
Citation Management
Wednesday, April 8, 2-3 p.m.
Cook Library Room 123 (LIB 123)
This workshop will provide an overview of two major citation management tools: RefWorks and Zotero. Participants will learn how to create an account, export citations from the most widely used scholarly databases, organize citations, and automatically generate bibliographies and in-text citations using both tools. In addition, this workshop will focus on the distinctive features of each citation manager, helping participants determine which tool is best suited to their individual research needs.
Aquila Digital Community
Thursday, April 9, 2-3 p.m.
Cook Library Room 123 (LIB 123)
Aquila is the university’s repository for scholarship and research produced at Southern Miss, and it is now the place where all graduate students will submit their theses and dissertations for review and approval. In this workshop, we will look at some of the different collections that are available in Aquila, and we will walk through submission process that you will use when turning your thesis or dissertation in to the Graduate School. We will also discuss a few of the features and benefits that are available to you as authors once your final, approved thesis or dissertation is posted in Aquila.
Students at the Gulf Park Campus will be able to attend the sessions via IVN in Fleming Education Center Room 303 (FEC 303).