Featured Resource - Sabin Americana
News item published on: 2013-12-02 08:10:00December 2013
Each month, University Libraries highlights a resource from its collections. This month we are featuring Sabin Americana. Focusing on documents about the Americas published worldwide from years 1500 to 1926, Sabin Americana provides access to full-text documents such as books, pamphlets, diaries, letters, travel accounts, and other formats. Topics covered include exploration, settlement, commerce, religion, politics, warfare, and society in general. The researcher can find first-hand accounts of life in cities and towns and on farms and plantations and tracts and treatises about topics of concern to those living in a given time period and locale.
Visit the Libraries’ website to connect to this resource online. (Off-campus users will be prompted to login using their CampusID username and password.)