C-SPAN Programs Featuring Southern Miss, Hattiesburg to air May 21-22
News item published on: 2016-05-17 15:06:42Local segments featuring the history and non-fiction literary life of The University of Southern Mississippi and the city of Hattiesburg will air on BookTV (C-SPAN2, Comcast channel 104) and American History TV (C-SPAN3, Comcast channel 105) throughout C-SPAN's special Hattiesburg weekend May 21-22.
Working with its Comcast cable partners, Southern Miss and Visit Hattiesburg, C-SPAN producers visited various literary and historic sites, interviewed local and university historians, authors and Mayor Johnny DuPree March 25-29. The programming is part of C-SPAN’s 2016 Cities Tour.
Programming highlights will include:
* Interview with Mayor Johnny DuPree about the city of Hattiesburg. The mayor's segment will air on C-SPAN's Washington Journal program on Comcast channel 19, Friday, May 20 between 6 a.m. CST/9 a.m. CST.
American History TV (C-SPAN3) programming highlights:
*The African American Military History Museum: Latoya Norman will talk about the only remaining USO building constructed for African American soldiers and share the stories featured inside.
*Southern Miss Special Collections Librarian Jennifer Brannock and others will show items and share stories from the University’s Civil Rights and Freedom Summer 1964 collection, the papers of former Mississippi Gov. Theodore Bilbo and the Oseloa McCarty Collection.
*Tour of Hattiesburg’s Freedom Summer Trail, which will highlight various sites including the Vernon Dahmer Home with Ellie Dahmer and Latoya Williams; the Hattiesburg Public Library; and the St. Paul Methodist Church with Irene Williams and Glenda Funchess.
Book TV (C-SPAN2) programming highlights:
*Interview with Southern Miss history professor Dr. Susannah Ural about her book "Don't Hurry Me Down to Hades: Soldiers and Families in America's Civil War."
*Southern Miss Rare Books Collection - Special Collections at McCain Library and Archives: Jennifer Brannock will highlight items from the Sam E. Wood Collection of Rare Books.
*Interview with Southern Miss history professor Dr. Heather Marie Stur about her book "Beyond Combat: Women and Gender in the Vietnam War Era."
*Interview with Southern Miss journalism professor Dr. David Davies about his book "The
Press and Race: Mississippi Journalists Confront the Movement"
*Interview with Southern Miss history professor Dr. Andrew Wiest about his book "The
Boys of '67: Charlie Company's War in Vietnam." A lecture in Wiest’s spring 2016 class
on the Vietnam War was also taped for C-SPAN’s “Lectures in History” program.
C-SPAN’s 2016 Cities Tour takes Book TV and American History TV on the road. C-SPAN2 (BookTV) and C-SPAN3 (American History TV) feature the literary life and history of select cities during special weekends on the public affairs network. For more information, visit the http://www.c-span.org/series/?citiesTour and follow the program on Twitter @CSPANCities.