Science Café on the Coast to Present a Screening of the Documentary, The Invisible Patients: Life at the Edge of the Health Care System
News item published on: 2017-02-22 09:53:11Science Café on the Coast, hosted by The University of Southern Mississippi’s Gulf Coast Library, will present a screening of the documentary The Invisible Patients: Life at the Edges of the Health Care System on Wednesday, March 15 at 6:30 p.m. at the Pass Christian Public Library.
The Invisible Patients tells the story of Jessica Macleod, a nurse practitioner, and four homebound patients she cares for in Evansville, Indiana. Together they put a human face on some of the most urgent healthcare issues facing our nation, from the living conditions of the elderly poor and end-of-life care, to the soaring costs of hospitalization, complexity of insurance and over prescription of opiates. Their stories reveal the emotional as well as financial burdens created by our current system, and the need for solutions.
Patrick O’Connor, the film’s producer / director, will be in attendance to lead a discussion following the screening. O’Connor is a filmmaker who has worked in marketing for healthcare systems, as well as numerous non-profit organizations, through his company O’Connor Creative.
Science Café on the Coast is a collaboration between The University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Libraries, Harrison County Library System, Long Beach Public Library and Hancock County Library System. This event offers those with minimal background in science the chance to meet and discuss scientific issues in a relaxed social setting. Admission is free and open to the public.
The Friends of the Pass Christian Library will sponsor at reception at 6:30 with the screening of the film beginning at 7 p.m. For more information, please email or call the Pass Christian Public Library at 228-452-4596.