Back to School Exhibit on Display in McCain Library and Archives
News item published on: 2015-09-02 08:06:31In conjunction with students returning to campus this fall, the exhibit “Back to School: Glimpses of USM History from the Archives” uses dozens of photographs, documents, and memorabilia to highlight our Southern Miss history since 1912. Four display cases individually feature Mississippi Normal College (1912-1924), State Teachers College (1924-1940), Mississippi Southern College (1940-1962), and The University of Southern Mississippi (1962-present). Two additional display cases feature Athletics and a selection of Yearbooks and Student Newspapers over the past century. The exhibit of originals and reproductions complements a similar exhibit in the Warren Library at the Ogletree Alumni House.
“Back to School” will be on display on the third floor of McCain Library and Archives from September through December 2015 (weekdays, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.). Questions about the exhibit or the University Archives may be directed to Special Collections at 601.266.4345.