Ann Branton Retirement Reception, June 21, 2013
News item published on: 2013-06-05 15:46:00Ann Branton, Professor and Head of Cataloging (1993-2001), Head of Bibliographic Services (2001-2012) and more recently Grants Administrator for University Libraries, will retire at the end of June 2013 after 22 years of service to The University of Southern Mississippi.
Throughout her career with University Libraries and due to her leadership in library technical services, Branton made a significant impact on building and sustaining the integrity and quality of the library’s online catalog. She served in lead roles on three catalog system migrations, introduced nationally recognized best practices in revisions of cataloging and acquisitions workflow and was a charter participant in the International Cataloging Online Resource Cooperative (2000). Southern Miss became the first Mississippi institution to participate in the Name Authority Cooperative Organization (NACO) due to Branton’s leadership. She initiated the first NACO Mississippi Funnel Group, which included Delta State University and Mississippi Valley State University. This NACO participation led to the Civil Rights Thesaurus to standardize names of Mississippians in bibliographic records.
In recognition of her contributions to Southern Miss and the library profession, Branton received the Excellence in Librarianship Award (2005), Excellence in Professional Service Award (1995), American Library Association 3M/New Members Round Table Outstanding Achievement Award (1993), the Mississippi Library Association (MLA) Past President’s Award (1994) and the MLA Peggy May Award for teaching and mentoring of new librarians (2003).
Branton served in many state leadership roles, most significantly as president of Mississippi Library Association (2009-2010) and editor of Mississippi Libraries (2000-2002). A member of Beta Phi Mu, the international library and information studies honor society, since 1990, she was active in Beta Psi, the state chapter, from 1998 to 2005 and was secretary (1998-1999) and president (2004-2005). At Southern Miss, she served as managing editor and production editor of The Southern Quarterly (2005-2013), secretary for the Council of Chairs (2009-2012), senator in Faculty Senate (2010-2013, including secretary 2012-2013). In addition, she was an adjunct faculty member for The School of Library and Information Science at Southern Miss (1995-2001), teaching and giving guest lectures on topics relevant to technical services and management. Her publications, particularly a cataloging tutorial, have an international audience and are used in the teaching of technical services.
A reception to honor Ann Branton’s career and contributions to the university and librarianship will be held Friday, June 21, 2-4 p.m. in the Cook Library Art Gallery (LIB 105A). The public is welcome.