2022 Edible Book Festival
News item published on: 2022-02-28 14:58:00Join us for the 7th Annual Southern Miss Edible Book Festival!
VOTING IS NOW LIVE. Vote for your favorite virtual entry here. Stop by Cook Library from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. to vote for your favorite in-person entry.
Each year libraries and cultural institutions around the world hold edible book festivals to celebrate the birthday of Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826), the French author of a witty book on food entitled Physiologie du gout. Since its beginning in 1999, the festival has grown into an international event held annually on or around April 1.
Southern Miss Edible Book Festival Friday, April 1, 2022 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.: Open House 1 p.m.: Winners Announced Cook Library 209A Refreshments Served
What is an edible book?
An “edible book” is a creation made from edible materials that is inspired by a book – a famous book title, a depiction of a book, etc. The use of a pun on the title is encouraged but not required. The only rule is that the construction must be mostly edible (it doesn’t have to necessarily taste good – it won’t be eaten!) and somehow representative of a book.
Books will be displayed for public viewing, judged, and prizes will be awarded to the winners. For more information and edible book examples check out our Edible Book Festival Guide.
Registration: Registration is CLOSED
Edible book entries will be accepted from Southern Miss students, faculty, staff, and local community members. Participants must complete the registration form by March 30 and bring edible book entries to Cook Library 209A between 9-11 a.m. on April 1st.
Live Event:
Edible book entries will be on display in Cook Library room 209A from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Stop in to view this year’s entries and cast a vote for your favorite for the People’s Choice Award.
A panel of judges will choose the Punniest entry as well as the Most Creative, the Most Nutritious and the Most Mouthwatering. The award ceremony will take place at 1 pm.
Not able to attend in person:
Make an edible book any time by March 30 and post a selfie with your edible book to our drop folder. Virtual entries will be displayed digitally at the festival and judged as a separate category with one winner announced as the Best Virtual Edible Book. We will accept virtual edible book entries through Wednesday, March 30th. See the registration form.
The event will also be live-streamed from 12:30-1:30 p.m. on Facebook, so if you are not able to attend tune in to see the winners announced.
More information about the festival with examples of edible books can be found on the Edible Book Festival Guide.
For questions about the festival, contact or 601.266.4245.