Golden Eagle Joke Book (1978)

Do you want to entertain and wow your friends? If so, you need to check out the Golden Eagle Joke Book. Written and illustrated by Southern Miss fan Donald L. Shields, this book promotes “school spirit in light of the 1977 State Championship in an effort to maintain football supremacy and hold our own against our two main rivals.” The 1977 State Championship refers to Southern Miss beating the University of Mississippi and Mississippi State University football teams, thereby being state champions.
The book is a “collection of original material from football fans, alumni, and supporters of The University of Southern Mississippi, The University of Mississippi, Mississippi State University and material compiled from other sources.” Most of the jokes in the book are written at the expense of the University of Mississippi and Mississippi State University (especially MSU!) and abound with stereotypes about the schools. You’ll recognize that some of the jokes reflect themes found in all good (and bad) joke books about athletic rivals. They can be sometimes biting and are often a product of the era.
Are you ready for some jokes?
USM COACH: “One of the claws on this lobster is broken off and missing.”
WAITER: “They fight in the kitchen and sometimes bite each other's claws off.”
USM COACH: “Then take this one back and bring me a winner.”
The local high school held a beauty contest and offered the following prizes: FIRST - $25 CASH; SECOND – 4-year scholarship to MSU.
CONCEITED YOUNG CO-ED: “Everyone says I got my good looks from my father.”
COLLEGE ROOMMATE: “Oh, is he a plastic surgeon?”
Fortunately, this book has been preserved in Special Collections at the University of Southern Mississippi and is available in the Digital Collections.
For more information about this item or any of the materials in Special Collections, contact Jennifer Brannock at or 601.266.4347.
Text by Jennifer Brannock, Curator of Rare Books & Mississippiana.