University Archives - Mission
University Archives Use
University Archives Collection Development
The University Archives collects and documents the history and services of USM, as set forth (in part) by state law. This includes, but is not limited to, records and publications of USM such as: copies of all printed materials relating to the history, development and character of USM; all publications of departments, schools, and agencies of USM; records of organizational activities, campus offices, and campus branches; and USM theses and dissertations (i.e., an archival, non-circulating copy of each University of Southern Mississippi thesis and dissertation is maintained in the University Archives). The materials are primarily in English, 1910 to date. Access to many archived departmental materials is limited to those within that department unless prior written permission has been obtained from the head of that department. University publications, memorabilia, photographs, and general history items are open to the public. State-approved Records Retention Schedules establish retention periods and specify which records have historical value. Records from the founding of the University of Southern Mississippi as Mississippi Normal College in 1910 to the present are collected. To that end, the University Archives:
- Appraises, collects, organizes, describes, makes available, and preserves records of historical, cultural, legal, fiscal, and/or administrative value to the University of Southern Mississippi
- Provides facilities for the retention and preservation of such records
- Serves research and scholarship by making available and encouraging the use of its collections by members of the University and the community at large
- Implements records management by formulating and pursuing policy and procedures that will ensure the collection and preservation of archival materials in accordance with the UNIVERSITY RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION POLICY and RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULES.
The University Archives is a unit of the University of Southern Mississippi Libraries. The responsibility for the management and development of the University Archives rests with the Curator of Historical Manuscripts and Archives. However, the ultimate responsibility for the University Archives' collection is in accordance with the UNIVERSITY RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION POLICY.