State Documents
The following materials are available from the Mississippiana Collection located on the third floor of the McCain Library & Archives. The following list is a select bibliography and is not meant to be a comprehensive listing of all state government publications. For additional titles, patrons should search the library catalog under subject and author (using the agency's name for an author search).
Annual Reports
Agriculture and Commerce, Dept. of Annual Report. [Miss S79 .D45a 19__.]
Corrections, Dept of. Annual Report. [Miss HV8344 .D46a 19__.]
Education, Superintendent of Annual Report. [Miss L166 .B1 19__.]
Mississippi Report Card. [Miss L166 .M55 19__.]
Employment Security Commission. Annual Report. [Miss HD7096 .U6 M7 19__.]
Finance and Administration, Dept. of. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. [Miss HJ11 .M72 19__.]
Forestry Commission, Miss. State. Annual Report. [Miss S12 .M7 M634 19__.]
Human Services, Dept. of. (Formerly State Dept. of Public Welfare.) Annual Report. [Miss HV86 .M728 19__.]
Health, Dept. of. Annual Report. [Miss RA94 .M57a 19__.]
State Health Plan. (Annual) [Miss RA395 .A4 M753x 19__.]
Vital Statistics. (Annual) [Miss HA464 .A3 19__.]
Joint Legislative Budget Committee. Legislative Budget Report (also titled Proposed Budget). [Miss HJ11 .M743 19__.]
Library Commission, Mississippi. Annual Report. [Miss Z732 .M78 19__.]
Tax Commission, State. Annual Report. [Miss HJ11 .M753 19__.]
Public Safety, Dept of. Annual Report. [Miss HV7571 .M7 D46a 19__.]
Reference Materials
Education, Superintendent of Mississippi Educational Directory. [Miss L166 .B315 19__.]
Institutions of Higher Learning, Office of Planning and Research. Handbook of Selected Data. [Miss HC107 .M7 M42 19__.]
Secretary of State. Official and Statistical Register. [Miss J87 .M47a 19__.]
Legislation and Laws
Mississippi House of Representatives. House Journal (regular and extraordinary sessions). [Miss J87 .M7c 19__.] (Journals record bill proposals, amendments, and adoptions, committee reports, and names of representatives voting for or against the bill in question. Debates are not recorded.)
Mississippi Senate. Senate Journal (regular and extraordinary sessions). [Miss J87 .M7b 19__.] (Journals record bill proposals, amendments, and adoptions, committee reports, and names of senators voting for or against the bill in question. Debates are not recorded.)
Mississippi Legislature. General Laws of the State of Mississippi. (regular and extraordinary sessions). [Miss KFM6630 .A22x 19__.]
Mississippi Code. Mississippi Code 1972 Annotated. [Miss KFM6630 1971 .A23 v.__.] (Note: When using the Mississippi Code, always check the "pocket part" located at the end of each volume for the latest amendments and revisions.)
Agriculture and Commerce, Dept. of Ag Report.
Archives and History, Dept. of. Journal of Mississippi History.
___________ Mississippi History News.
Attorney General, Office of the Opinion Outline.
Employment Security Commission. Labor Market Data.
____________. Labor Market Summary.
____________. Mississippi Covered Employment & Wages.
Health, Dept. of. Mississippi Morbidity Report.
Institutions of Higher Learning. Mississippi Economic Review and Outlook.
Mississippi Agricultural & Forestry Experiment Station, Mississippi State University. MAFES Bulletin.
_____________.MAFES Research Highlights.