Research Carrels at Cook Library
Eighty (80) research carrels are available to rent in Cook Library. Carrels are provided for faculty, staff, and student researchers who require close working proximity to the library collection. Research carrels provide a controlled work space, but are not designed to replace an office or conference setting.
Rental Fees
Rental fees are based on a single academic term.
- $60.00/term - fall and spring
- $50.00/term - summer
Research carrels may be assigned to currently employed faculty and staff and currently enrolled students at the University of Southern Mississippi who have no outstanding library charges or fines. A valid University of Southern Mississippi identification card must be presented to receive a carrel key.
Application Period
Research carrels are assigned by the University Libraries Administrative Office, Cook Library, Room 202. Applications for carrels will be accepted the first work day two months prior to the assignment period:
- July 1 for the fall term
- November 1 for the spring term
- April 1 for the summer term
A waiting list will be established when demand is greater than the number of carrels available. Carrel assignments will be made based upon the order applications were received.
Occupancy Period
Research carrel occupancy period begins the first day of classes and ends the last day of the term (i.e., the last day of final exams).
Assignment Procedure
Notification of carrel assignments is made via e-mail. Keys not picked up by the midpoint of a semester will be reassigned.
Keys are to be returned to the Administrative Office at the end of the assignment period. Notices will not be sent, so the renter should be sure to make note of the key's due date.
Each research carrel is furnished with a desk, chair, and bulletin board.
Network Access
Research carrels have both hard-wired and wireless internet access. For assistance with computer network access, contact the iTech Help Desk at or 601.266.4357.