
Goal #1: University Libraries will engage university and local communities through outreach, teaching, and collaborative activities. 

  • Strategy: Build partnerships with campus and community groups to support the mission of University Libraries.
  • Strategy: Provide instructional support to teaching faculty. Assess and enhance librarian teaching practices related to information literacy and research skills with the goal of creating inclusive, learner-centered experiences. 
  • Strategy: Promote collections, services, and activities to users. 
  • Strategy: Provide focused outreach to increase knowledge and use of library resources, collections, and services. 
  • Strategy: Conduct usability studies of the Libraries' web presence with the campus community to enhance the user experience. 

Goal #2:
University Libraries will strive to make public collections and spaces, both physical and virtual, accessible and inviting to all members of the University community. 

  • Strategy: Comply with University provided accessibility standards to enhance the library experience.
  • Strategy: Provide access to collections and services for remote users. 
  • Strategy: Create and enhance collection records to improve discoverability and provide more equitable access to resources. 
  • Strategy: Support the maintenance and visibility of digitally created resources and the digitization of unique physical collections. 

Goal #3:
University Libraries will embrace emerging technologies that enhance user experience, improve employee efficiency, and support the Libraries' mission. 

  • Strategy: Collaboratively investigate the technology needs of library users and staff to improve user experience and promote effective use of technology.
  • Strategy: Explore and pursue external funding to incorporate new technologies. 

Goal #4:
University Libraries will foster diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) through its collections, services, spaces, and staffing. 

  • Strategy: Develop collections that emphasize diversity, equity, and inclusion. 
  • Strategy: Explore the use of alternative subject vocabularies and incorporate inclusive descriptive terminology for library collections.
  • Strategy: Foster a diverse workforce by re-examining recruitment, hiring practices, and search committee training to align with DEI principles. 
  • Strategy: Educate library users on the value of open access educational resources and explore sustainable scholarly publishing models to promote equitable access to information. 

Goal #5:
University Libraries will recruit, develop, and retain outstanding employees. 

  • Strategy: Promote University Libraries as a welcoming place to work where ideas and diverse voices are welcomed and respected. 
  • Strategy: Empower employees in decision-making processes by asking for valued input.
  • Strategy: Distribute publicity internally and to library affiliates to keep employees informed on all activities in the University Libraries. 
  • Strategy: Explore opportunities to address salary compression and upgrade staff positions. 
  • Strategy: Support on-the-job training, cross-training, workshops, and enhanced professional development opportunities.  

Goal #6:
University Libraries will build, maintain, and preserve robust collections and resources to meet the diverse information needs of the University community. 

  • Strategy: Identify additional external funding sources and consortia that can be used to enhance collections. 
  • Strategy: Ensure the library collections support teaching, learning, and the research needs of users. 
  • Strategy: Maintain optimal environmental conditions and recommend upgrades for preserving physical and digital collections. 
  • Strategy: Review library collections through collection analysis and deselection. 
  • Strategy: Create a data/metric-based formula for establishing the Libraries' collections budgets.